Benefits Information

Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Important Notes and Reminders:

  • Don’t forget to keep your personal information updated! You can log into Plansource or contact the Benefits Office to make changes.

CLEA Long Term Disability Group Plan

Virgin Pulse Wellness Program

2025 Benefit Guides

Online Benefits Administration

  • Update your contact information
  • Update your beneficiaries
  • View your benefits and costs
  • View Plan Summaries
  • Make life even changes (marriage, etc.)

Benefit Plan Year Information

Current Plan Year: January 2023 - December 2023

Allowable Mid-Year/Life Event Changes:

  • Marriage
  • Divorce or Legal Separation
  • Birth or Adoption of Child
  • Legal Guardianship or Court Order
  • Death of Spouse or Child
  • Loss or Gain of Other Coverage
Next Open Enrollment: October 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023

Important Notes and Reminders:

  • Add or Drop Eligible Dependents
  • Change Plan
  • Change Carrier
  • Add or Drop Plans
Next Plan Year Begins January 1, 2024

Anthem Machine Readable Files (MRFs)

Frequently Asked Questions

What insurance plans does the trust offer?
Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Supplemental
What are the current plan carriers?
Anthem, Kaiser, Delta, United Health Care, Medical Eye Services (MES), AFLAC, CLEA
What insurance plans am I enrolled in?

You may call the Benefits Office or reference all of your insurance plans through Plansource.

Click here for login instructions.
Who is covered under my insurance plans?

To see all dependents who are covered on your plan(s) log in to Plansource.

Click here for login instructions.
Please note that only the names shown are covered under each plan.
When can I add or remove my dependent(s)?

If you do not have a Qualifying Event (marriage, birth, etc.) you can add or remove dependents at Open Enrollment. Annual Open Enrollment takes place during the month of October and the changes that are made at that time will be effective at the next plan year (January 1st of the following year).

Take a look at the Benefit Guide for information on eligible mid-year changes.
When is Open Enrollment?
Open Enrollment period is October 1st through the 31st. All changes made during this time will come into effect January 1st of the following year.
How long can my child/children stay on my plan(s)? Can I remove them when they become 18?
Your child/children are eligible under your plan(s) until they turn 26. By law, they cannot be removed before that (even at the age of 18) unless you remove them during an Open Enrollment period or your child has gained proof of other coverage within the 30-day guideline.
How long can my child/children stay on my plan(s) if they are disabled?

A dependent is eligible to continue coverage on the member’s plans over the age of 26 provided that we have the following:

Documentation that the dependent has been deemed Disabled by a Licensed Medical Physician.

Kaiser - You must renew this documentation every 2 years. You may do so by contacting their disabled dependent department at 858-614-3584 or via email at [email protected].

Anthem - You must update documentation every two years unless the doctor diagnoses the condition as lifelong. Please call the member service number on the back of your card to update.

I don’t have proper documentation yet, but I just had a baby/got married. Do I wait?
No, please contact the Benefits Office as soon as possible. We accept temporary documents during the interim. Be aware that because these are considered temporary, you will have 45 days to provide us with proper documentation. If it is not received in time your dependent(s) will become ineligible and be removed from all insurances. You will then have the ability to add them back on during Open Enrollment provided that all requested documentation is received.
My newborn is in the NICU, does this make a difference?
Yes, please contact the Benefit Trust office as soon as possible.
What is considered proper documentation?

Marriage - A Marriage Certificate is an official document while a Marriage License is a temporary document.

Divorce - We must have a certified Divorce Decree that is signed by the judge. Please make sure it indicates the dissolution date and has a judge’s signature. We cannot remove a spouse before the finalization of the divorce.

Birth - A Birth Certificate is an official document while a Proof of Birth is considered a temporary document. The Proof of Birth will be located in the hospital paperwork at the time of discharge. The Birth Certificate will NOT be mailed to you. When ready, you must go the county recorder’s office in the county your child was born in. Fees will apply at the time of pick up.

Legal Guardianship - Court Order

Death - Death Certificate

Proof of Loss of Coverage - The document must indicate all names of the dependents who are losing coverage, the plans that they are losing (i.e. medical, dental and/or vision) and the date that coverage ends. We do not need a reason why benefits are being terminated.

Proof of Other Coverage - The document must indicate all the names of the dependents who are gaining other coverage, the plans that they are gaining (i.e. medical, dental and/or vision) and the date the other coverage begins.

I just made a change to my plan(s) and Plansource is reflecting my new bi-weekly deduction. I noticed more than that coming out of my paycheck, why?
Plansource does not know how to factor in the payroll schedule our membership is on. Therefore, depending on what pay period your change is made in, you may be responsible for some back payment. This is due to the fact that the membership pays in advance for their medical premiums. So, by the time a change is made, the effective start date could be for a month that you have already been deducted for but at the lesser amount. You will be given a Payroll Deduction Worksheet to discuss in detail what amounts will be taken. We also work with our membership in breaking down the total cost into smaller payments. For more information, please contact the Benefit Office. 951-653-8014
The divorce agreement says that I must cover my ex-spouse, why is she/he being removed?
We understand that you must follow the divorce agreement per its language, however, all ex-spouses are considered ineligible under the RSA Benefit Trust plans. You must seek an outside insurance policy for your ex-spouse.
Can Grandchildren be added to my plan(s)?
No, grandchildren are not eligible. All birthing services for mothers who are on your plan will be covered. Any service for baby will NOT be covered.
I will be out on Military Leave soon. Do I need to do anything with my benefits?
Yes, before your leave please notify both RSA and the County. You will need to fill out LES paperwork with the County. It is imperative that you fill this out to ensure that you and your family stay covered under the insurances during your leave. Please notify us of your date of return to work.
I will be promoting soon, what do I need to do?

Once you are promoted you are no longer eligible for RSA medical plans but you have the option to keep your ancillary plans (supplemental life, dental, vision, etc.).

You will receive a promotion packet in the mail discussing your options to keep management membership and/or to continue your supplemental plans. If you would like to cancel the plans you may do so by filling out the Management Options Form and return it to RSA. If you wish to cancel membership, you may do so by emailing the Benefit Trust staff. If you do not respond, RSA will assume you intend to keep your plans and will continue to pull deductions.

Please note that your medical insurance will automatically term the first of the following month from which you were promoted.

What is AWOP? When will I be AWOP? What will I need to do?
Absent Without Pay. A member becomes AWOP when they have exhausted all of their time banks and go into an absent without pay status. In relation to benefits, the FLEX monies as well as the health deductions from the County stop coming in, in full or all together. This means that the full amount of your insurance premium becomes your responsibility. You will receive AWOP paperwork in the mail which will discuss this information as well as your options during this time. Your options will include to either pay out of pocket for the premiums or to defer (cancel) and provide proof of other coverage. These forms must be signed, dated and returned to our office. If the paperwork is not received by us, the insurances will be canceled for non-payment until your return. It is important that you contact us regarding your return to work date so as to reinstate coverages properly. For more information, please contact the Benefit Trust office.
I’m an Affiliate member, do I have access to the RSA insurance plans?
Affiliate members do not have medical, dental or vision insurances with the RSA Benefit Trust. It is provided by Riverside County. Please contact county HR at 951-955-3385 for more information regarding your health insurances. Affiliate members do have the ability to enroll in supplemental plans with the RSA Benefit Trust such as AFLAC, AXA and MLOA.

Common Retiree Questions

I’m retiring when do I come in to do my benefits?
Once you have established a retirement date with county please contact the Benefit Trust office regarding transitioning over to your retirement benefits.
What is RAP? Am I entitled to the full RAP grant?
The Retiree Assistance Program is designed to help offset the cost of your medical health premium. It is based off the years of service with RSA since your union join date to your retirement date. Therefore, each amount for an individual may be different. Please note that the RAP grant is subject to change.
When I retire, do my out of pocket premiums change?
Yes, they will change to the full premium. Please call in or reference the retiree open enrollment booklet on this website for a full list of pricing. Please remember that these premiums are before your RAP grant and the retiree county contribution are factored in. Premiums are subject to change with each new year.
I am retired and moving out of state, do I need to do anything?
If you are retired and are moving out of state, please contact the Benefit Trust as soon as possible. We not only need to update your address but we will also need to discuss important benefit options including the out of state RAP reimbursement grant which you may be qualified for. Please note that the majority of the plans are California based which only allows you to use emergency services out of state.
I am retired and staying in state, what does that mean for my RAP?
If you are staying in state and decide to continue with an RSA retirement plan then you will receive the RAP grant and the retiree county contribution. If you are retired in state and provide proof of other coverage then you will not receive the RAP grant or the county contribution. However, if you are in good standing during your deferral then you are eligible to return to the RSA retirement plans.
Do I have to go in to update information or make changes to my benefits?
We are always available to help in person but we also know that sometimes the travel may not be ideal. Therefore, you may contact us by phone or make changes via mail, email or by fax.

Common Medicare Questions

IMPORATANT: If you or your spouse are turning 65, regardless of whether or not either of you are working, please contact the Benefit Trust office at least three months in advance.
I’m turning 65, what do I do?
Medicare enrollment is time sensitive and can result in penalties if enrollment is not processed in a timely manner. You will need to enroll with Medicare at the Social Security office at least three months in advance of you turning 65. Please contact the Benefits Office to discuss what parts to sign up for and to go over necessary paperwork. At least three months prior to you turning 65 is ideal.
What Medicare parts do I sign up for?
Because Medicare is very individualized, please contact the Benefit Trust office to discuss the parts you will need to sign up for.
I’m 65 and still working, do I have to sign up for Medicare?
You will need to sign up for Medicare Part A at least three months prior to you turning 65. Upon retirement you will then sign up for Part B. DO NOT sign up for Medicare Part D as it is already included in your RSA supplemental plan (Kaiser or Blue Cross). Please contact the RSA Benefit Trust office to go over necessary paperwork.
I’m 65 and I am still working and my spouse is Medicare eligible, what do I do?
You and your spouse will need to sign up for Medicare Part A at least three months prior to turning 65. Upon retirement you will both sign up for Part B. DO NOT sign up for Medicare Part D as it is already included in your RSA supplemental plan (Kaiser or Blue Cross). Please contact the RSA Benefit Trust office to go over necessary paperwork.
I am NOT 65 and still working but my spouse is Medicare eligible, what do I do?
Your spouse will need to sign up for Medicare Part A at least three months prior to turning 65. Upon the member’s retirement the spouse will then sign up for Part B. DO NOT sign up for Medicare Part D as it is already included in your RSA supplemental plan (Kaiser or Blue Cross). Please contact the RSA Benefit Trust office to go over necessary paperwork.