Political Action

Many of RSA's accomplishments can be attributed to our aggressive involvement in local and state politics. RSA seeks legislation necessary or conducive to the well being of the membership and plays an active role in the political arena in furtherance of the interest of the membership. Our increased involvement in the political arena has allowed us a larger role working with state and local government to accomplish our aims and increase RSA's standing in the community.

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Deadline for submitting applications is Friday, August 16, 2024.

Our Endorsement Process

Dear Candidate:

Thank you for contacting Riverside Sheriffs’ Association regarding an endorsement for your campaign. RSA is honored to support candidates who demonstrate their dedication to public safety services and to the law enforcement professionals who provide vital patrol, custody and special assignment services to protect lives and property in Riverside County. The following is a summary of how RSA reviews and approves requests for political endorsements.

  • Requests for endorsement must be submitted, in writing, to the RSA office. Requests must include the office sought, the election date, party affiliation (for partisan primary elections), contact information, including telephone and mailing address, and any additional information.
  • Candidates for countywide and statewide offices must submit a completed copy of the RSA candidate questionnaire in order to be considered for an endorsement. Your campaign will be notified in writing if any deadlines apply for the return of the completed questionnaire.
  • Each candidate requesting support will be considered by the RSA Political Action Committee. This process usually involves a review of your questionnaire and professional history, and your participation in an interview before the committee if invited you will be contacted by the RSA Political Action Committee to arrange a date and time for the interview.
  • Once the RSA Political Action Committee has completed its evaluation, a recommendation is submitted to the RSA Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
  • All efforts will be made to notify candidates of a decision as soon as possible following action by the Board of Directors. Such notifications are made in writing, on official RSA letterhead and signed by the RSA president.
  • RSA reserves the right to withdraw its endorsement at any time and/or to modify this procedure for any reason and without prior notice.
  • The use of RSA’s name without express written permission is strictly prohibited.
  • Only the RSA Board of Directors is authorized to issue a political endorsement on behalf of the organization. Individual officers, directors and staff members are not authorized to endorse on behalf of RSA.
Thank you for your request.
The RSA Political Action Committee

Please email applications to Mary Arrizon or deliver them to the RSA office at The Riverside Sheriffs’ Association, 21810 Cactus Ave., Riverside, CA 92518

Paid for by Riverside Sheriffs’ Association Public Education Fund.
Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.